Presenters: City of Santa Cruz, County of Santa Cruz, and Ventures
Interpreter: Jorge Valenzuela
Bilingual meeting support: Gisella Carrasco
Language: English, with simultaneous Spanish interpretation
Location: Zoom
Have you ever wondered who serves on the various commissions and committees that advise staff and elected officials for the City of Santa Cruz (City) and the County of Santa Cruz (County)? Do you work with community leaders who might want to serve on a commission or committee for the City or County but don’t know where to begin? If you answered yes, this CORE Coffee Chat is for you!
The County and City of Santa Cruz recently partnered with Ventures to understand whether the diversity of their committees and commissions reflects the diversity of our community. Key findings in both reports—“A Santa Cruz [County] Like Me” (2021) and “A City Like Me: Santa Cruz” (2022)—highlight that some groups are underrepresented (based on age, race or ethnicity, education, zip code or geographic area), compared to the County’s or City’s population. These findings have prompted both the City and County to take steps to increase the diversity and representation in their respective committees and commissions. This will be an ongoing process, but there are opportunities for community partners and leaders to help the City and County succeed.
Join us for this virtual CORE Coffee Chat on A Santa Cruz City and County Like Me: Balance and Equity in Government, featuring presenters from the City of Santa Cruz, the County, and Ventures. In this Coffee Chat, we will:
Learn about the City of Santa Cruz’s and County of Santa Cruz’s effort to increase diversity and representation in committees and commissions.
Learn more about advisory bodies and for the City and County, openings, and how to apply.
Learn how you and your organizations can help the City and County increase diversity and representation in committees and commissions.
Provide feedback to the City and County on resources or support that community members need, in order to participate in local government.
Bring your ideas and questions!
Missed the event?
See the recap videos and materials in our resources!
CORE Coffee Chat: A Santa Cruz City and County Like Me: Balance and Equity in Government →
Watch recordings of previous events on the CORE Resources page.