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Designing for Well-being, Part 1

  • Core Investments Santa Cruz County, CA (map)

Presenters: Nicole Lezin & Nicole Young

Interpreter: Stella Lauerman

Bilingual meeting support: Gisella Carrasco

Language: English, with simultaneous Spanish interpretation

Location: Zoom

Join us as we explore the first three principles of designing for well-being: 1) Start with what matters to people: well-being; 2) Design and implement with, not for; and 3) Heal and regenerate.

Together, we will:

  • Practice answering key questions about how your agency applies these principles

  • Discuss how to apply these principles across programs, initiatives, community-level impacts, sectors, and CORE Conditions

Missed the event?

See the recap videos and materials in our resources!

CORE Coffee Chat: Designing for Wellbeing, Part 1 →

Watch recordings of previous events on the CORE Resources page.

October 16

CORE Request for Proposals (RFP) Funding Cycle (July 2025-June 2028): Priorities and Equity Engagement Sessions

November 28

Using Community Data for Planning and Evaluation