Turn Your Insights into Action with a Community of Changemakers
Gain insight, connect with changemakers and take action with CORE events. Our events provide dedicated time for our community to gather and share resources, ideas, and models that move us forward. Our gatherings also provide a space for deeper conversations about what our community is experiencing while cultivating new ways of thinking about health and well-being through a racial equity lens.
Join us by registering for upcoming events or deepen your understanding of racial equity, health, and well-being by watching a past event below.
- Advocacy
- CORE Conditions
- CORE Results Menu
- Children & Youth
- Collective Impact
- Community Connectedness
- Community Engagement
- Community Resources
- Data Literacy
- Data Visualization
- DataShare
- Economic Security & Mobility
- Evaluation
- Evidence-based Programs-Practices
- Fundraiser
- Grants
- Grantwriting
- Health & Wellness
- Healthy Environments
- Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
- Lifelong Learning & Education
- Local Government
- Program Planning
- Racial Equity
- Safe & Just Communities
- Stable Affordable Housing & Shelter
- Thriving Families
- Video

Writing for Funding: Tips on Organizing and Pitching Your Ideas in Grant Proposals
Join us for a tour of some common proposal elements, writing and organizational tips on how to tackle them, and ideas about how to prepare for future proposals long before the details are released. No matter what level of grant-writing experience you bring, there will be something to learn and try, plus lots of support from others working through similar challenges.

Harnessing Local Data to Create the CORE Conditions for: A Safe, Just Community
Join DataShare Santa Cruz County and CORE Investments for a community conversation about harnessing local data to foster a Safe, Just Community (one of the eight CORE Conditions for Health & Well-being) so that all community members in Santa Cruz County experience fair, humane approaches to ensuring personal, public, and workplace safety that foster trust, respect, and dignity.

Harnessing Local Data to Create the CORE Conditions for: Healthy Environments
Join DataShare Santa Cruz County and CORE Investments for a community conversation about harnessing local data to foster Healthy Environments (one of the eight CORE Conditions for Health & Well-being) so that all community members in Santa Cruz County experience a clean, safe, sustainable natural environment and a built environment and infrastructure that support health and well-being.

Harnessing Local Data to Create the CORE Conditions for: Thriving Families & Community Connectedness
Join DataShare Santa Cruz County and CORE Investments for a community conversation about harnessing local data to foster Thriving Families & Community Connectedness (two of the eight CORE Conditions for Health & Well-being) so that all community members in Santa Cruz County experience safe, nurturing relationships and environments that promote optimal health and a sense of belonging, diverse and inclusive neighborhoods and institutions, vibrant arts and cultural life, and civic engagement.

The Best of CORE